dedicated to sustainable growth

Redevelopment Works For Business & Community

We’re Here To Help
Your Business

Through Planning, Partnerships,
Infrastructure, Financing Tools & Grants

Dedicated to Sustainability & Economic Growth in Merritt Island

The mission of the Redevelopment Agency is to create and implement community-based redevelopment strategies that promote quality growth and economic development for the purpose of eliminating slum and blight. MIRA values preserving Merritt Island’s history, culture and natural environment, and improving the quality of life for residents, workers, and visitors. Project planning and execution is funded through various sources, including Tax Increment Financing (TIF), grants, and donations.

Island Projects

Redevelopment in Action

How We Assist

Opportunities For Business


& Governance

How MIRA Is Organized:

In 1989, Brevard County Board of County Commissioners established the Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency (MIRA). A seven member appointed volunteer Board is responsible for providing oversight to MIRA. MIRA staff consists of an Executive Director, a Community Redevelopment Manager and an Administrative Assistant. MIRA also utilizes support services from the County for which MIRA is billed.

Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) are responsible for:

  • Preparing redevelopment plans for designated areas
  • Implementing the plan through various means and funding sources such as tax increment financing (T.I.F.), grants, and updated land use regulations


Redevelopment Zones

There are four (4) sub areas within the Merritt Island Redevelopment Area consisting of:

SR 520 Commercial Core Sub-Area (Merritt Island Causeway), adopted 1989 (745.53 acres) and 1991 (280.12 acres), is the primary west/east major arterial road, extending from the Indian River Lagoon on the west and the Banana River Lagoon on the east. It extends north to approximately Merritt Avenue and south to approximately Fortenberry Road.

SR 3 Sub-Area, adopted 2006 (165.7 acres), is the primary north-south corridor through Merritt Island and includes all properties that front on Courtenay Parkway from the SR 528 interchange at the north end to Merritt Avenue at the south end.

Barge Canal Sub-Area, adopted 2013 (981.01 acres), includes SR 528 and the lands to the north that front on the Barge Canal. It extends from the Indian River Lagoon on the west to the Banana River on the east.

Cone Road Sub-Area, adopted 2013 (209.53 acres), encompasses the industrial lands located south of Cone Road and north of the Merritt Island Airport.



MIRA Board of Directors Meeting

April 24 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

MIRA Board of Directors Meeting

May 22 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

MIRA Board of Directors Meeting

June 26 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

MIRA Board of Directors Meeting

July 24 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Marcus Herman
Marcus HermanChairman
Cynthia Wall
Cynthia WallVice Chairman
Andy Barber
Andy Barber
Corey Mecagni
Corey Mecagni
Graham Smith
Graham Smith
Jeffrey Daniels
Jeffrey Daniels
Peter Black


Larry J. Lallo, CEcD
Larry J. Lallo, CEcDExecutive Director
Lisa Nicholas, MPA/URP, FRA-RA
Lisa Nicholas, MPA/URP, FRA-RACommunity Redevelopment Manager
Cheryl Hurren
Cheryl HurrenExecutive Assistant

Investing in Merritt Island

Major Investments Coming To Merritt Island

Health First Medical Facility
Capital Improvement Investments
Courtenay Pkwy Infrastructure & Image Enhancement Project
Veterans Memorial Park Amphitheatre Project