discover Florida’s Space Coast

Robust Growth

GDP growth has been strong, averaging 4.9% per year, outpacing national growth substantially. Economic growth in export-oriented tradeable sectors generates job growth and investment.

By The Numbers:

Since 2018, regional job growth remains robust, with 11,481 jobs, or 48.7% of total net new jobs added, earning high incomes.

Population Growth
Since 2015
Average Annual GDP Growth
Since 2017
of Job Growth
150% Above Average Wage
in Multi-Family Inventory

Mean Wage: $63,388.

Total GDP Growth in Brevard County: 2017-2022 (Adjusted to 2017 dollars)

Composition of Jobs by Wages in the MSA: Jobs Added Since 2018

Space Coast Drives Growth:

Manufacturing, government and government enterprises, and professional, technical and scientific services orbit the robust aerospace manufacturing cluster. A growing array of manufacturing supports the aerospace industry, including key inputs to the manufacture and launch of spacecrafts. Engineering heavy roles generate effective demand for Real Estate, Health Care, Retail Trade and Construction.

GDP Growth by Top 8 Industrial Super-Sectors (2022)


  • Birthplace of Space Exploration and Home to Commercial Space Enterprise Growth and Development
  • Morgan Stanley’s Space Team Estimates that the roughly $350 billion space industry could surge to over $1 trillion by 2040.

Corporate Logos_-3

  • Home Of Space Launch Delta 45 and The 920th Rescue Wing At Patrick Space Force Base.
  • Home Of NOTU, Naval Ordnance Test Unit, At Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.
  • 72,000 U.S. Military Veterans make their home in Brevard County.

Why Merritt Island

Discover Our Island

Why Florida

The Sunshine State

We’re Here To Help
Your Business

Through Planning, Partnerships,
Infrastructure, Financing Tools & Grants

Dedicated to Sustainability & Economic Growth in Merritt Island

The mission of the Redevelopment Agency is to create and implement community-based redevelopment strategies that promote quality growth and economic development, preserving Merritt Island’s history, culture and natural environment, and improving the quality of life for residents, workers, and visitors. Project planning and execution is funded through various sources, including Tax Increment Financing (TIF), grants, and donations.


Redevelopment Zones

There are four (4) sub areas within the Merritt Island Redevelopment Area consisting of:

SR 520 Commercial Core Sub-Area (Merritt Island Causeway), adopted 1989 (745.53 acres) and 1991 (280.12 acres), is the primary west/east major arterial road, extending from the Indian River Lagoon on the west and the Banana River Lagoon on the east. It extends north to approximately Merritt Avenue and south to approximately Fortenberry Road.

SR 3 Sub-Area, adopted 2006 (165.7 acres), is the primary north-south corridor through Merritt Island and includes all properties that front on Courtenay Parkway from the SR 528 interchange at the north end to Merritt Avenue at the south end.

Barge Canal Sub-Area, adopted 2013 (981.01 acres), includes SR 528 and the lands to the north that front on the Barge Canal. It extends from the Indian River Lagoon on the west to the Banana River on the east.

Cone Road Sub-Area, adopted 2013 (209.53 acres), encompasses the industrial lands located south of Cone Road and north of the Merritt Island Airport.


Investing in Merritt Island

Major Investments Coming To Merritt Island

Health First Medical Facility
Capital Improvement Investments
Courtenay Pkwy Infrastructure & Image Enhancement Project
Veterans Memorial Park Amphitheatre Project