Young Aviation Students Take to the Skies
July 17, 2022 – At the Merritt Island Airport, a new generation of aviators are learning the basics and taking control. Called the Experimental Aircraft Association Young Eagles Chapter 724, the group of 15 students from ages 13 to 17 study for 40 hours over two months to learn about flight mechanics, electrical wiring and the aerodynamics of wing design.
Instructors guide students through a checklist to ensure the aircraft is in proper condition and functionally ready to fly.
The highlight for many is when the students take a short flight to Melbourne and back and are allowed to fly the aircraft for five minutes.
Considering the number of companies in our area that specialize in space flight and aviation, the importance of inspiring young people in these fields is obvious.
Image: Archer3, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Source: Florida Today