Fortenberry Regional
Stormwater Treatment Project
a MIRA collaborative project
Fortenberry Regional
Stormwater Treatment Project
a MIRA collaborative project
The Fortenberry Regional Stormwater Treatment System & Tie-In Credits
An example of visionary redevelopment, the stormwater credits benefit our environment and provide opportunity for developers.
The Fortenberry Regional Stormwater Treatment System is a MIRA collaborative project with many partners including: the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and multiple Brevard County departments such as Brevard County Natural Resources Management, Facilities, Public Works and Parks & Recreation. The System provides opportunities for commercial properties within the service area to purchase stormwater credits that can offset costs to a developer and allow for optimum use application within the property.
Following an interlocal agreement in 2009, MIRA funded the purchase of land primarily to develop a stormwater system to catalyze smart redevelopment opportunities.
Construction began in 2011, with mitigation of decades of debris and wetland plant restoration, piping improvements, and the creation of an extensive path and bridge trail system, benches and shade areas, as well as installation of Floating Vegetative Islands (also often called beemats) within the stormwater mitigation ponds for help in filtering of chemicals that could be harmful to the Indian River and Banana River Lagoons.
This wetlands creation and ecosystem restoration, along with a pedestrian-friendly trail around the perimeter, has created a welcome local nature destination for people and native wildlife. Upcoming near-term plans to the amenity include canopies on the playground for year-round comfort and an exercise trail along its perimeter.

The Stormwater assessment fee is calculated using a formula that includes gross area and impervious area measurements as recorded by the Brevard County Property Appraiser. Stormwater credit eligibility is determined by Brevard County, and when granted, extends for the life of the development.
Pre-application Preliminary Estimating Tool
All development or re-development projects existing or proposed within the Fortenberry Regional Stormwater Treatment System area that pay the tie-in fee, could be eligible for a 50% stormwater fee reduction for the life of the development. Stormwater Tie-in Credits eligibility is determined by Brevard County through an application process
The stormwater fee appears as a non-ad valorem assessment on the Property Appraiser’s Annual Tax Bill mailed November 1.
Note: A CPI multiplier for inflation is to be applied to the flat tie-in rate. Multiplier for FY23-24, October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024 = 27%
This calculator tool should only be used to determine preliminary estimates.
For more precise estimates, please contact: