Memorial Day Remembrance VMC
Donn Weaver
Chairman Brevard Veterans Council
VP Veterans Memorial Center
24- 31 May. — Memorial Day Weekend Display of 21 Original Oil Paintings by Jeanne Harris Weaver , artist and Gold Star Mother of 1LT Todd Weaver, killed in action in 2010 in Afghanistan. The painting series is called “Losing Todd: A Mother’s Journey. At the Porcher House daily from 1000 am – 5 pm in Cocoa Village adjacent to Riverfront Park and amphitheater.
26 May— Day ONE: Ride For Freedom: Flame of Honor Ceremony at VMC Plaza area 1700- 2000. Rolling Thunder FL-1 Sponsor of 3 Day event. First Motorcycle Rally at 1600 at Fishlips at Port Canaveral with travel to VMC. Vietnam and GWOT Moving Walls from Patriot Guard Riders on Display at VMC with Gold Star Family and MIA/POW Remembrance Torch March through the VMC Memorial Plaza. Prior to March— Dinner for Gold Star Families Courtesy of Rolling Thunder FL.
27 May— Day TWO: Ride for Freedom: Rally Space Coast Harley Davidson Ride for Freedom Festival (1000-1600). Includes Food, Drinks, Music, Announcement of Motorcycle Raffle winner and much more. Sponsored by by all 7 RTFL Chapters.
28 May — Day THREE: Ride for Freedom: Motorcycle Ride for Freedom Kicks Off in the Merritt Square Mall Parking Lot adjacent to the VMC 1000 with special events prior to and after the Ride for Freedom departs VMC. 0900 -0930 VMC Ceremony. Route of travel from VMC: West 520; South Rte 1, East Pineda; North A1A to Port Canaveral. Register with RTFL-1 to participate.
28 May — Palm Bay Indoor/Outdoor Vendor and Craft Fair 1275 Culver Dr. Palm Bay 12-4 pm. Major discounts for military vendors with ID cards. Lots of food and drinks with door prizes and business services. For More Information:
29 May — Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony. “ Never Forgotten- Our Fallen and MIA/POW” at VMC Plaza 0930-1030. Special Speakers and program.
29 May— Memorial Day Ceremony at the Cape Canaveral National
Cemetery in Scottsmoor/Mims 1100-1200.
29 May — Memorial Day Ceremony 1100 at the Liberty Bell Museum in Melbourne
29 May — Memorial Day Ceremony, Parade and Display downtown Cocoa Riverfront Park 1600-1800